SQL Server Transactional Replication . Artice not created by snapshot

  • Good Day,

    We are running SQL Server 2008r2 using Transactional Replication. We selected a numbe of tables to replicate . One of them however is not created by the Snapshot although it is one of the selected articles. The object owner was not changed and I confirmed that it was selected, but when I tried to select it on the subscriber , the article does not exist. I also confirmed other tables were populated . What else should I be looking for ?

  • This should not happen ideally. Try going over once again and restart. Hopefully it should be created!

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • try adding article using below query.

    EXEC sp_addarticle @publication = 'PublicationName', @article = 'articleName', @source_object = 'articleName', @source_owner = 'dbo', @Type = 'view schema only'


    EXEC sp_refreshsubscriptions 'PublicationName'


    Normally on a huge database it is not a good idea to generate the snapshot everytime you an article to it, why not try intilize subscription with backup option.

  • Bhaskar.Shetty (6/10/2013)

    Normally on a huge database it is not a good idea to generate the snapshot everytime you an article to it, why not try intilize subscription with backup option.


    Normally, I initialize subscription using backup option. And use the below script to add or remove articles from replication.


    -- Add/remove an article from replication


    DECLARE @vAction VARCHAR(5) = 'ADD'; -- ADD=> to add an article, DROP=> to drop an article

    DECLARE @vArticle VARCHAR(200) = 'tblarticle'; -- name of the article to be added/dropped

    DECLARE @vPublication VARCHAR(200) = 'PublicatoinName'; -- name of the publication


    IF @vAction = 'ADD'

    -- Add a new article for replication


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysarticles WHERE name = @vArticle)

    PRINT 'WARNING: Article= ' + @vArticle + ' - already marked for replication';



    EXEC Sp_addarticle @publication = @vPublication, @article = @vArticle, @source_object = @vArticle;

    EXEC sp_refreshsubscriptions @vPublication;




    -- Remove an article for replication


    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysarticles WHERE name = @vArticle)

    PRINT 'WARNING: Article= ' + @vArticle + ' - not marked for replication';



    SELECT @query = (SELECT 'EXEC sp_dropsubscription '''+@vPublication+''','''+@vArticle+''','''+sub.srvname+''','''+dest_db+''''+CHAR(10)

    FROM syssubscriptions sub

    JOIN sysarticles art

    ON sub.artid = art.artid

    WHERE name = @vArticle

    AND dest_db <> 'virtual'

    FOR XML PATH (''))

    EXEC (@query);


    EXEC sp_droparticle @publication = @vPublication, @article = @vArticle;

    EXEC sp_refreshsubscriptions @vPublication;



    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysarticles WHERE name = @vArticle)

    PRINT 'WARNING: Article= ' + @vArticle + ' - already marked for replication';



    EXEC Sp_addarticle @publication = @vPublication, @article = @vArticle, @source_object = @vArticle;

    EXEC sp_refreshsubscriptions @vPublication;


    Sql Server anyways fires a error when you try to add a existing marked articles again to same publication, but no harm in being pre-sure before adding it. 🙂

  • 🙂

    Yes correct! I developed this script for my development team, so that they can add/remove articles. And should get some custom error message instead of SQL error message.

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • Good Day.

    Thank you for the response. The article already exists in the Publisher.

  • Thanks, everyone, the Systems Administrator added the necessary permissions to the folder and thereafter it worked

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