Transaction replication has many undistributed commands, but tracer token arrives immediately.

  • hi i have sql server 2008 R2 with transactional replication. In general this replicated database that normally performs very well, only today after reinitializing I saw a large command buildup in the distributor.

    However, when I insert a tracer token to measure the latency, this arrives at the subscriber within 3 seconds. When I look inside the subscriber db and compare the data to that of the publisher I can see even the most updated tables are up to date.

    Has anyone had a similar experience for this?

  • hi,

    if I undestand right your subscriber is fully up to date.

    Do you have another subscriber? If you reinitialized the replication maybe you did it for all subscribers and not all are synchronizing well.

    What about other publications that might have been reinitialized?

  • hi , yes all subscribers were up to date. I rebooted distributor and that fixed my problem. 🙂

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