how to assign additional SQL Server administrators

  • When I ran SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe (run under Windows' Administrator user account) to install SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services, when it got to the Database Engine Configuration step, under "Specify SQL Server administrators" I clicked on "Add Current User" to assign NULL\Administrator as a SQL Server administrator.

    How can I now add my other Windows user accounts (both administrator level and reduced-privilege accounts, if possible) as SQL Server administrators?

  • You can create more accounts afterwords and assign sysadmin role to them.

    But SQL Server administrators is SQL Server administrators you can not have reduced privilege on that. For that know your needs and create roles based on that and assign those roles to users.

  • Hi, Neeraj Dwivedi -

    I know I can create more sysadmin accounts by clicking the "Add..." button in Database Engine Configuration.

    But how can I get back to Database Engine Configuration without rerunning SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe as Administrator?

    I tried:

    Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Installation Center (run as Administrator) | Installation | New SQL Server stand-alone or add features to an existing installtion

    but before I ever got to the Database Engine Configuration step, I immediately got the "Browse for SQL Server 2008 Installtion Media" window. I wasn't able to deal with that when I encountered it before - I had to completely reinstall SQL Server by running SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe again.

    Won't it do the installation all over if I run SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe again? Or can I run it up to the Database Engine Configuration step without then going through the rest of the installation?

    Thanks for your help.

  • that's the point... there is no need to use the exact same screen to add administrators that you saw during the initial installation; that screen is just for convenience, and is not the standard, recommended way to add administrators.

    do not try to rerun the installation just to add administrators.

    instead use SSMS to add some new logins from either users Or Groups from your domain:

    after that, you add them to teh sysadmin group to make than admins.

    if they are going to have lesser permissions than that, you have to also add the login as a user to each database you want to grant access to,a nd then also create/add them to a role containing just the permissions you wnat them to have.


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  • Hi, Lowell -

    I understand what you're saying, BUT:

    Are you using some kind of SQL Server other than 2008 Express with Advanced Services?

    What I see when I log onto SSMS doesn't look anything like what you're showing. I'd like to show you what it looks like, but SQL Server Central's Insert Image button just isn't working for me.

    Perhaps with a few keystrokes I could get to the windows you show, but I don't have any idea how to do that. Believe me, when I say I'm a newbie, I mean it.

    I can imagine it's frustrating trying to coach a brand new newbie. But I actually do learn quite fast when I know enough to understand the answer I'm given. So if you can give an explanation that assumes no knowledge of SSMS on my part, I'd greatly appreciate your patience.

  • Never mind - I've got it sorted out.

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