stored proc taking more time when executed thru a job

  • I have a stored proc which collects the primary key values into temp table and delletes the rows from the main table by joining the rows of temp and main table on primary key. This stored proc is taking 2 hrs to run when setup as a job, but taking less time when ran through ssms. We have almost same settings. I tried to change the run as user but no change. Any suggestions??

  • Post the actual execution plan for both the job and the normal run

    SELECT TOP 1000 qs.*, qt.text, qp.query_plan

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS qt

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as cp on qs.plan_handle=cp.plan_handle

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) qp

    WHERE cp.plan_handle=qs.plan_handle

    AND (ObjType = 'Adhoc' OR ObjType = 'Prepared')

    and text like '%STOREDPROCNAME%'

  • I faced same situation some years back. JOb would take 2 hours where as ssms run it just 20 minutes.

    I used sqlcmd, it was fine, took just 20 minutes.

    I believe its because of memory constraint of sql server. Sqlcmd will take memory out side of sql server(i do not mean memtoleave) 🙂

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