row_number with recursive cte and update

  • I am sorry if this has been answered before - I have seen and read many articles about row_number and cte but cannot get my head around this particular issue.

    I have a series of items which may have predecessors or may not. predecessors may themselves have predecessors - hence a recursive cte would seem ideal. I want to have an ordered list where any items with predecessors get run in the correct order but not with the same sequence number as other items.

    here is my example input data (tabs don't seem to work very well): -












    The table is called testschedule. The runorder is the column I want to fill in.

    so here is my cte and the resulting select.

    with Successors (runorder, predecessor, taskname, Level)



    select ts.runorder, ts.predecessor, ts.taskname,

    0 as Level

    from testschedule ts

    where predecessor is null

    union all

    select ts.runorder, ts.predecessor, ts.taskname,


    from testschedule ts

    inner join Successors as s

    on ts.predecessor = s.taskname


    select * , row_number() over (order by taskname) desiredorder from successors













    NOW maybe I am being dense or "can't see the wood for the trees" but what I want is to convert the "select * , row_number ..." to an update to put the correct "desiredorder" value into the runorder column on taskschedule.

    Can someone help me please?



  • TO add to my previous post - the order produced by the cte is not correct as it can be seen by inspection that item Task6 should run after item Task9 but it does not.

    I can't see a way to get the correct order.

    I have also found the update I need, I think -

    update testschedule

    set runorder = sc.ROWNUM

    from testschedule

    inner join


    select taskname, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by taskname) as ROWNUM

    from successors

    ) sc

    on testschedule.taskname = sc.taskname

    I hope someone can help me.

  • Hi and welcome to the forums. You have a challenge here because the standard recursive CTE will not work because you have multiple roots. This is often referred to as a forest. There may be some other ways to deal with this but I put together something that should work for you.

    One thing we need to see around here is ddl and sample data in a consumable format. This provides two advantages. First, there is no ambiguity about what your datatypes and columns names are. Secondly, you will find a lot more people willing to help. Since this is your first time around here I put this together for you to show you what I mean.

    if OBJECT_id('testschedule ') is not null

    drop table testschedule

    create table testschedule


    RowID int,

    TaskName varchar(10),

    Predecessor varchar(10),

    runorder int



    insert testschedule

    select 1, 'Task1', NULL, 1 union all

    select 2, 'Task2', NULL, 1 union all

    select 3, 'Task3', NULL, 1 union all

    select 4, 'Task4', 'Task2', 1 union all

    select 5, 'Task5', 'Task3', 1 union all

    select 6, 'Task6', 'Task9', 1 union all

    select 7, 'Task7', 'Task5', 1 union all

    select 8, 'Task8', 'Task5', 1 union all

    select 9, 'Task9', 'Task10', 1 union all

    select 10, 'Task10', NULL, 1

    Notice how now it is super easy to grab this and start to work on the issue instead of putting all this together.

    Now to deal with your issue. Your rCTE was actually very close to what I used. In fact, all I did was add the RootTask, changed the where clause slightly and slightly changed the ROW_NUMBER. The big difference is that I moved is to an iTVF.

    Here is the function:

    if OBJECT_id('GetChildren ') is not null

    drop function GetChildren


    create function GetChildren


    @TaskName varchar(10)

    ) returns table



    with Successors



    SELECT ts.runorder,ts.predecessor,ts.taskname, ts.taskname as RootTask, 0 AS LEVEL

    FROM testschedule ts

    where TaskName = @TaskName


    SELECT ts.runorder,ts.predecessor,ts.taskname, s.RootTask, LEVEL + 1

    FROM testschedule ts

    INNER JOIN Successors AS s ON ts.predecessor = s.taskname


    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (Order by LEVEL) as RowNum from Successors



    Sweet now we can get the tree for each of the root levels, all we need know is a way to get the whole forest in go. First, I used a cte to get all the root level items and then cross apply to the table function.

    ;with RootLevels as


    select RowID, TaskName, Predecessor, runorder

    from testschedule

    where Predecessor is null


    select *

    from RootLevels r

    cross apply dbo.GetChildren(r.TaskName) x

    order by RootTask, RowNum


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  • Many thanks for the reply. I was able to understand more clearly what was happening and have adapted your solution to give me the exact answer I needed.

    Also I will remember if future to make the test data more accessible.

    Great work!

    Thanks again.


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