Login Failed error (Linked server)

  • I am trying to access data through linked server by following query

    select * from [Servername].dbname.schema.view_name

    and my schema is not dbo.

    When I tried this with sa login it is giving me correct output,

    but when I tried to access data through login from which linked server is configured it is giving me login failed for user error.

    I have already maped database to login with it default schema.

    please help me out....

  • SQL Addict (5/8/2013)

    but when I tried to access data through login from which linked server is configured it is giving me login failed for user error.

    This login has created in linked server or this login has been "impersonated" ?

  • This is sql server login .

    I have used it for configuring linked server.

  • Can you connect to the linked server using the userid and password.

    i hope that is password issue.

    Durai Nagarajan

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