unique constraint on a large column

  • I have a table with a column of NVARCHAR(2000) in size.

    There is a requirement to ensure the data in the column is unique.

    The table contains 170,550 rows.

    A unique constraint fails because it violates the 900 bytes max key size field.

    So what database options do I have?

    I tried using the CHECKSUM function on the offending field but I can only guess this is only a few bytes in size because over the 170,550 rows there is 128 collisions.

    So I tried a SHA1 checksum and this seemed to work Ok

    ALTER TABLE [testtable] ADD SHA1 AS HashBytes('SHA1', CONVERT(VARCHAR(1000),big_field))

    Would this be the best way to enforce uniqueness of have I missed something simple..thanks

  • I would also use a hashbyte function. In theory there still might be some duplicates, although unlikely.

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