Can not read 'Sql Server Agent logs' on node 2 of a cluster

  • Clustered 2008 R2 SQL Server Enterprise Edition (64-bit) SP1 10.50.2500

    Both nodes are running under the same account which is an local admin and both computers(nodes) are an admin on the other computer. [Node1 is an admin on Node2; Node2 is an admin on Node1]

    While the cluster is running on node 1 you can browse the SQL Server Agent Logs, (It CAN read the SQL Server logs) but once I failover to node two I get the following error message when I try to browse the Agent Log:

    xp_readerrorlog()( returned error 3, 'The system cannot find the path specified.' (Error:22004)

  • Look at the explicit permissions on the Log folder for both instances.

    make sure they are the same.

    This may have to do with your permissions while you are looking at the error logs.

  • Thanks for your reply. The permissions for the shared cluster disk were checked and compared to a work SQL Cluster.

    There are no issues read the SQL Server Error logs which are in the same directory. So I'm thinking this might be more of a registry settings error.

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