• Ji Haidong,

    Would you have a Mount Point version of this script?

    Here is what I use now with out the email feature.

    Maybe it can be used as a good starting point.

    declare @svrName varchar(255)

    declare @sql varchar(400)

    --by default it will take the current server name, we can the set the server name as well

    set @svrName = @@SERVERNAME

    set @sql = 'powershell.exe -c "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName ' + QUOTENAME(@svrName,'''') + ' -Class Win32_Volume -Filter ''DriveType = 3'' | select name,capacity,freespace | foreach{$_.name+''|''+$_.capacity/1048576+''%''+$_.freespace/1048576+''*''}"'

    --creating a temporary table

    CREATE TABLE #output

    (line varchar(255))

    --inserting disk name, total space and free space value in to temporary table

    insert #output

    EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql

    --script to retrieve the values in MB from PS Script output

    select rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as drivename


    (CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as Float),0) as 'capacity(MB)'


    (CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as Float),0) as 'freespace(MB)'

    from #output

    where line like '[A-Z][:]%'

    order by drivename

    --script to retrieve the values in GB from PS Script output

    select rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as drivename


    (CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as Float)/1024,0) as 'capacity(GB)'


    (CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as Float) /1024 ,0)as 'freespace(GB)'

    from #output

    where line like '[A-Z][:]%'

    order by drivename

    --script to drop the temporary table

    drop table #output