Howto. ..Load 2 columns from excel file into table with corresponding columns ?

  • Hello,

    Since I'm not a programmer and hopefully there's a simply way...

    I need to load one column from an excel file into a database table while trying to match the corresponding columns :unsure:

    1) I have 3 columns in the excel with a server , account and account description column

    2) The database table has these same columns but the account description is BLANK

    3) I need to populate the account description from the excel from the corresponding row.

    I hope i'm clear

    many thx

  • Simple way: Use the import wizard in SSMS to load the data into a temp table.

    Then use a query to match up the data. If you temp table is MyStage and your regular table is Accounts, I'd run a select first



    , a.account

    , a.description

    , b.server

    , b.account

    , b.description

    from accounts a

    inner join Mystage b

    on a.server = b.server

    and a.account = b.account

    This will show you the contents of your account and staging tables as they match up. If this is right, you can update the account table like this:

    update a

    set a.description = b.description

    from accounts a

    inner join Mystage b

    on a.server = b.server

    and a.account = b.account

    Then use the first statement to check things.

    Drop the staging table when you are done.

  • Much appreciated !

    I actually tried it the import data wizard and recreated the table with the necessary columns by loading all the respective rows... now I will just work from there instead of comparing the rows.

    Will also try it the way you mention


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