sql server agent jobs

  • Can anyone tell me how can i copy the sql server agent jobs easily from production to test server without schedule?

    Does scripting 'create job' script from prod and running it on test works?

    Thanks a lot.

  • You can script the jobs from prod using SSMS but note that it will include the schedules.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Once you generated Script, plz remove the ID ...

    Bcoz once u execute the same script on Test , SQL Server of test Environment will generate id.

  • What that messy text speak above means is that you need to delete the line that sets a guid value for the schedule id and probably the comma on the previous line. Otherwise this is exactly how I move my agent jobs.

    If you study the script you can see how to edit it to amend or remove the schedule if you so wish.

  • Thanks everyone

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