Find month totals between date columns

  • I have a sample view with some dates. How would you find the numbers of items open per month. Say between OpenDate and CloseDate I want to find how many were open for January, February,?

    Here is a sample table with the data

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestDate](

    [ItemTitle] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [ItemAttachAssignDate] [date] NULL,

    [ItemDetachConcludeDate] [date] NULL,

    [Status] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [FullName] [nvarchar](100) NULL,

    [OpenDate] [date] NULL,

    [CloseDate] [date] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2013-02-18 00:00:00', '2013-02-19 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Jeff Hunter ', '2013-02-18 00:00:00', '2013-02-19 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-15 00:00:00', '2013-02-05 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Tommy Johnson', '2013-01-22 00:00:00', '2013-01-28 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-15 00:00:00', '2013-02-05 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Jeff Haynes', '2012-10-17 00:00:00', '2013-02-01 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-15 00:00:00', '2013-02-05 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Nancy Belkin', '2012-10-28 00:00:00', '2012-12-14 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-15 00:00:00', '2013-02-05 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Rudolph Porche', '2013-01-16 00:00:00', '2013-02-02 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-20 00:00:00', '2013-02-07 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Pat Franks', '2013-01-20 00:00:00', '2013-01-25 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-20 00:00:00', '2013-02-07 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Leslie Jordan', '2012-11-25 00:00:00', '2012-12-04 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-20 00:00:00', '2013-02-07 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Fred Haney', '2012-10-20 00:00:00', '2013-02-04 00:00:00');

    INSERT INTO [TestDate]([ItemAttachAssignDate], [ItemDetachConcludeDate], [Status], [FullName], [OpenDate], [CloseDate])

    VALUES('2012-10-20 00:00:00', '2013-02-07 00:00:00', 'Done', 'Henry Hanks', '2012-10-31 00:00:00', '2012-11-15 00:00:00');

  • Excellent job posting ddl and sample data. There are a couple ways this could be done and it somewhat depends on what you want as output. Do you want to see all months regardless of if there are rows for that month? Also, do you want all Januarys grouped together or are you looking to have January 2012 and January 2013 as separate rows? Do you only want to see the could for any given month?


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  • Thanks for the help!

    I Want to see all months even if there are no rows, January 2012 and January 2013 should be seperate rows

  • Not totally sure what you want for output but this is probably a decent place to at least get you started.

    I first added 1 more row to your table so we have some rows that would be in the same month across years.

    insert testdate

    select null, '2012-01-01', '2012-02-15', 'Done', 'Test Name', '2012-01-13', '2012-02-04'

    Now since you want to see all months even if there is no match for that month you need to use a tally table. You can read it here.[/url]

    Then I just use a cte to figure the date range.

    ;with MinDates as


    select Min(datediff(month, 0, OpenDate)) as MinOpenDate,

    Max(datediff(month, 0, CloseDate)) as MaxCloseDate

    from TestDate


    select dateadd(month, t.N, 0) as ReportingMonth, count(td.CloseDate) as OpenItems

    from tally t

    join MinDates x on t.N >= x.MinOpenDate and t.N <= x.MaxCloseDate

    left join [TestDate] td on dateadd(month, t.N, 0) >= dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, td.OpenDate ), 0)

    and dateadd(month, t.N, 0) <= dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, td.CloseDate), 0)

    group by dateadd(month, t.N, 0)


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  • Without using a tally table and using a loop. However not sure why want to show Dates from Jan 2012 when there is no data?

    If you do just change the Start month and Start Year below to 01 and 2012 as shown.

    DECLARE @Months Table(m int, y int)

    DECLARE @startMonth int

    DECLARE @startYear int

    DECLARE @endMonth int

    DECLARE @endYear int

    --SET @startMonth = (select month(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    --SET @startYear = (select year(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @startMonth = 1

    SET @startYear = 2012

    SET @endMonth = (select month(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @endYear = (select year(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    WHILE @startYear <= @endYear


    WHILE (@startYear <> @endYear) OR (@startMonth <> @endMonth)


    INSERT INTO @Months VALUES (@startMonth, @startYear)

    IF( @startMonth = 12)


    SET @startMonth = 1; BREAK


    ELSE SET @startMonth = @startMonth + 1


    SET @startYear = @startYear + 1



    RIGHT('0' + CAST(m.m as varchar(2)),2) + '/' +CAST(m.y as varchar(4)) as MonthYear

    ,isnull(n.noItems,0) as [No of Items Opened]

    from @Months m

    left join


    select count(FullName)as noItems ,MONTH(OpenDate) as m ,YEAR(OpenDate) as y

    from Testdate

    group by YEAR(OpenDate), MONTH(OpenDate)

    )n on m.m = n.m and m.y = n.y

    Order by m.y,m.m asc

  • /*Initial variables defining the range of dates to return*/

    DECLARE @ReportedMonths int, @StartMonth datetime

    SET @StartMonth = '20120101'

    SET @ReportedMonths = 15

    SELECT CalendarMonth, ISNULL(Report.OpenedItems, 0)

    /*LEFT JOIN allows to return every month in the selected range.

    Zero is presented where there are no corresponding records in Report */

    FROM (/* Tally part - selecting all the month in the selected range*/

    SELECT DATEADD(mm, N-1, @StartMonth) CalendarMonth

    FROM dbo.Tally AS T

    WHERE N > 0 AND N <= @ReportedMonths

    /* Some people use Tally table started with 1, others with 0, this version of the script will work with both options */

    ) T

    LEFT JOIN (/* grouping and counting "open" events by month */

    SELECT DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, Opendate), 0) ReportingMonth, COUNT(opendate) OpenedItems

    FROM testdate

    GROUP BY DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, Opendate), 0)

    ) Report ON Report.ReportingMonth = T.CalendarMonth

    ORDER BY CalendarMonth

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • bugg (3/11/2013)

    Without using a tally table and a loop. However not sure why want to show Dates from Jan 2012 when there is no data?

    If you do just change the Start month and Start Year below to 01 and 2012 as shown.

    DECLARE @Months Table(m int, y int)

    DECLARE @startMonth int

    DECLARE @startYear int

    DECLARE @endMonth int

    DECLARE @endYear int

    --SET @startMonth = (select month(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    --SET @startYear = (select year(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @startMonth = 1

    SET @startYear = 2012

    SET @endMonth = (select month(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @endYear = (select year(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    WHILE @startYear <= @endYear


    WHILE (@startYear <> @endYear) OR (@startMonth <> @endMonth)


    INSERT INTO @Months VALUES (@startMonth, @startYear)

    IF( @startMonth = 12)


    SET @startMonth = 1; BREAK


    ELSE SET @startMonth = @startMonth + 1


    SET @startYear = @startYear + 1



    RIGHT('0' + CAST(m.m as varchar(2)),2) + '/' +CAST(m.y as varchar(4)) as MonthYear

    ,isnull(n.noItems,0) as [No of Items Opened]

    from @Months m

    left join


    select count(FullName)as noItems ,MONTH(OpenDate) as m ,YEAR(OpenDate) as y

    from Testdate

    group by YEAR(OpenDate), MONTH(OpenDate)

    )n on m.m = n.m and m.y = n.y

    Order by m.y,m.m asc

    How can you say that is without using a loop?


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  • Sergiy I don't think yours is returning the correct information. The OP wants the count of rows that are open during the month. For example look at November 2012. Yours returns 1, but there are a total of 5 that open during the month because they were opened earlier and do not close until later.


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  • Sean Lange (3/12/2013)

    Sergiy I don't think yours is returning the correct information. The OP wants the count of rows that are open during the month. For example look at November 2012. Yours returns 1, but there are a total of 5 that open during the month because they were opened earlier and do not close until later.

    Yeah, I thought about it as well.

    That's about how you read it.

    "Are open" means "opening event appened within a month" or "remain open during the month".

    Then "remain open during the month" - is it "being open for whole month" or "been open for most of the month" or "been open for at least a moment within the month"?

    Since it's not clear from OP I posted the simplest option of the query (naturally ;-)).

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • This version returns 5 for Nivember 2012:

    /*Initial variables defining the range of dates to return*/

    DECLARE @ReportedMonths int, @StartMonth datetime

    SET @StartMonth = '20120101'

    SET @ReportedMonths = 15

    SELECT CalendarMonth, COUNT(TD.OpenDate) OpenIems

    /*LEFT JOIN allows to return every month in the selected range.

    Zero is presented where there are no corresponding records in Report */

    FROM (/* Tally part - selecting all the month in the selected range*/

    SELECT DATEADD(mm, N-1, @StartMonth) CalendarMonth

    FROM Service.dbo.Tally AS T

    WHERE N > 0 AND N <= @ReportedMonths

    /* Some people use Tally table started with 1, others with 0, this version of the script will work with both options */

    ) T

    /* insluding all items which have been open within the month or remained open fior at least 1 day within the month */

    LEFT JOIN dbo.testdate TD ON TD.CloseDate > T.CalendarMonth AND TD.Opendate < DATEADD(mm, 1, T.CalendarMonth)

    GROUP BY CalendarMonth

    ORDER BY CalendarMonth

    Once again - if this is what's required.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sean Lange (3/12/2013)

    bugg (3/11/2013)

    Without using a tally table and a loop. However not sure why want to show Dates from Jan 2012 when there is no data?

    If you do just change the Start month and Start Year below to 01 and 2012 as shown.

    DECLARE @Months Table(m int, y int)

    DECLARE @startMonth int

    DECLARE @startYear int

    DECLARE @endMonth int

    DECLARE @endYear int

    --SET @startMonth = (select month(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    --SET @startYear = (select year(min(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @startMonth = 1

    SET @startYear = 2012

    SET @endMonth = (select month(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    SET @endYear = (select year(max(OpenDate)) from dbo.TestDate)

    WHILE @startYear <= @endYear


    WHILE (@startYear <> @endYear) OR (@startMonth <> @endMonth)


    INSERT INTO @Months VALUES (@startMonth, @startYear)

    IF( @startMonth = 12)


    SET @startMonth = 1; BREAK


    ELSE SET @startMonth = @startMonth + 1


    SET @startYear = @startYear + 1



    RIGHT('0' + CAST(m.m as varchar(2)),2) + '/' +CAST(m.y as varchar(4)) as MonthYear

    ,isnull(n.noItems,0) as [No of Items Opened]

    from @Months m

    left join


    select count(FullName)as noItems ,MONTH(OpenDate) as m ,YEAR(OpenDate) as y

    from Testdate

    group by YEAR(OpenDate), MONTH(OpenDate)

    )n on m.m = n.m and m.y = n.y

    Order by m.y,m.m asc

    How can you say that is without using a loop?

    I meant to say without using a tally table and using loop instead.

  • bugg (3/13/2013)

    I meant to say without using a tally table and using loop instead.

    :w00t: A set based query will out perform a loop any day. We spend a lot of time and effort around here finding solutions that don't use loops.


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  • I know it will, I was just giving an alternative approach.

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