XML nodes extraction

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your help in advance, working with XML nodes for the first time and finding it frustrating. I am trying to build a relational table from some xml. setting each xml level to a new column in a table.

    CREATE TABLE ClientInfo



    XMLInfo XML


    INSERT INTO ClientInfo (XMLInfo)



    N'<?xml version="1.0" ?>


























































    select * from [dbo].[ClientInfo]


    aref.value('(key/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as Column1,

    bref.value('(key/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as Column2,

    cref.value('(key/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as Column3,

    dref.value('(key/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') as Column4


    ClientInfo CROSS APPLY

    XmlInfo.nodes('//Root') AS Level1(aref) CROSS APPLY

    aref.nodes('children') AS Level2(bref) CROSS APPLY

    bref.nodes('children') AS Level3(cref) CROSS APPLY

    cref.nodes('children') AS Level4(dref)


    When I run this query column 1 just has the first ID in this case 29 ? I would very much like it to report the other key's adjacent to their relevant children keys. Why is this not working for me.

    Any useful material you can forward on would be gratefully appreciated.

    Many Thanks,


  • Your xml format is not very well organized. Keys and children are not in any relation except positional, so it is almost impossible to relate them.

    You should make children of the key to appear WITHING the parent key, not side by side.

    Closest I could get is:

    declare @ClientInfo xml =

    N'<?xml version="1.0" ?>



























































    ParentID = c.x.value('../key[1]', 'int'),

    ChildID = c.x.value('key[1]', 'int')

    FROM @ClientInfo.nodes('//children') c(x) -- "//children" means "children nodes at all levels"


    The result is:

    ParentID ChildID

    ----------- -----------

    29 500

    500 3000

    3000 70000

    29 600

    600 3600

    3600 9862

    3600 9863

    3600 9864

    29 900

    900 3700

    3700 7862

    3700 6863

    3700 5864

    900 5400

    5400 7892

    5400 6563

    5400 5464

    (17 row(s) affected)

    If you change xml structure as suggested, similar construction would work perfectly.

    Since preceding-sibling is not supported by sql2008, you could look into >> and << xml operators that I'm not very familiar with.

    Some examples are here:


    and here


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers
    blog.sqlxdetails.com - Transaction log myths
  • Many Thanks for your help, sorry about the poorly constructed xml. I will have a look at the links you passed on.

    Thanks again,


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