Need the details of the following concepts use in reporting services

  • Hai to all

    Iam deploying a code inthe reporting services which gives the grap of the following I want to Know about these in details ......

    1.Lock waits

    2.Memory grants queue Waits

    3.Thread-safe memory objects Waits

    4.Log write waits

    5.Log Buffer waits

    6.Network IO waits

    7.Page IO latch waits

    8.Page latch waits

    9.Non_page Latch waits

    10.Wait for the Worker

    11.Workspace synchronization waits

    12.Transaction ownership waits


  • Google each one of those phrases and lookup how to capture each bit of info, over time. Then, once you have a process to capture that information over time you can point your report to it and generate those graphs.

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