Installing SSAS

  • Hi Friends,

    I installed SQL server in my machine and now i want to configure SSAS. Can you tell me is there any patch file to install AS instead of reinstalling the whole database. In My management Studio when i select Server type as Analysis and not able to find the derver name. So please let me know if any serve pack of patch file is available.

    I have all admin rights.



  • Have you checked that SSAS is installed and the service running.

    If it is then its possible that you forgot to add yourself as an administrator during the installation.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Can you please tell me how to check SSAS is installed and service is running. In Services.msc i can see SQLExpress and reporting services are running.



  • To check the easiest way is to goto Start->All Programs->SQL Server <version>->configuration tools and select the SQL Server configuration Manager, under that you should see the SQL Server Analysis Services service if its not there its not been installed.

    You can install it as an added feature, just re-run the install for SQL server and select the Analysis services option from the freature install.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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