SPN Settings

  • I have windows 2003 Server with SQL Server 2005 and Windows 2008 with SQL 2008 R2

    Is there any difference in SPN registration ?(setspn)

    When I put SETSPN -L service account I found multiple entry for the MSSQLSVC for the same server with port number and without portnumber.Would it cause any issue?

  • Why don't you just show us your list of SPNs?

    The most important entries are:

    setspn -A MSSQLSvc/<Fully qualified domain name of the server>:1433 domain\Account

    setspn -A MSSQLSvc/<servername without domain>:1433 domain\Account

    (Reporting Services)

    setspn -A HTTP/<Fully qualified domain name of the server>:80 domain\Account

    setspn -A HTTP/<servername without domain>:80 domain\Account

    Greetz sql pizza

    Query Shepherd

  • Found this



  • I don't think it hurts. I would say you don't need the entry without the port, but as long as it makes no troubles leave it like it was.

    Better get a second opinion bout that :-)!

    Query Shepherd

  • I take it the ..com is a typo, or is that really your domain extension?

    The first one is ok, the second is the FQDN when it just needs to be the NetBIOS name, so I would remove it and just create it as SQL405 without the domain extension

    SETSPN -A MSSQLSvc/SQL405:1433 Domain\Account

    SETSPN -A MSSQLSvc/SQL405.lds.asp.com:1433 Domain\Account

  • thanks all for the help.

    As per my knowledge SQL Server will unregister SPN during shutdown and reregister during startup.

    Some of my SQL Servers there is no spn.exe(Windows support tools not installed).Then How this unregister & re register would work ?

  • The service accounts need access to do the SPN registration unregistrations in AD, if it doesnt then it will have to be a manual registration unregistration.

  • setspn.exe would be normally in C:\Programfiles\Supporttools

    In my case this folder and setspn.exe not there.it seems support tools for windows not installed.

    How do the registration works ? windows support tools is mandatory ?

  • It communicates directly with your AD server as an automatic request if it has the right permissions to do so, it doesnt need the SetSPN tool to be installed.

    SetSPN tool is only required for manual requests.

  • The only time the auto registering of SPNs will work when running as a domain account is if the account is an administrator or it has been granted readServicePrincipalname and writeServicePrincipalname permissions. Since the user account is low privilege this doesnt usually happen.

    You can also use ADSIEdit to directly access the AD catalog and enter the values or grant the permissions mentioned above.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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