Cannot view Report Server Jobs in management studio

  • Good Day

    Please assist, trying to view the Report Server jobs in management studio, but its blank, can view the shared schedule and role but the jobs are blank. There are jobs whi h are currently running.

    Is it possible that it has anything to do with iis and its authentication

  • Jobs in SSMS for SSRS mean reports which are currently being run.

    If your trying to view job details on subscriptions, you need to checkout the SQL agent.

    The following script will help getting the JobID's from the reportserver database


    U.UserName AS SubscriptionOwner,

    C.Path AS ReportPath,

    CONVERT(XML,S.ExtensionSettings) AS SubscriptionSettings,

    S.EventType AS SubscriptionType,

    CONVERT(XML,S.Parameters) AS ReportParameters,

    S.DeliveryExtension AS DeliveryMethod,

    Sc.Name AS ScheduleName,



    Subscriptions S


    Users U


    S.OwnerID = U.UserID


    Catalog C


    S.Report_OID = C.ItemID


    ReportSchedule RS


    S.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID


    Schedule Sc


    RS.ScheduleID = Sc.ScheduleID



    Then you can link that back to the MSDB database to find the information

  • Im actually trying to edit the JOB, cannot edit via the SQL Agent jobs. If you connect to the reporting services via SQL Management Studio, the jobs are blank, I read you have to be part of the system Admin to manage the jobs, I am part of the system admins but still cannot view the jobs.

  • As I said, Jobs in the view which you are looking at are reports which are running.

    The only option you have in the jobs folder is to stop a report from running you cannot edit a job.

    What are you actually trying to do?

    Edit a report?

    Edit a subscription?

    Edit a schedule?

    If so you need to use the SSRS webpage, not SSMS.

  • Sorry...I was later than anthony...but I also didn't get your intention?

    Query Shepherd

  • Trying to edit the subscription, If I go to My Subscriptions ON the Home page of the reports its blank as well.

    Found the job under jobs in the SQL agent.

    Got someone else to logon with same access as I have, if he goes to My subscription and tries to edit it returns the following error : View the attached picture

    Thank for the clarification regarding the jobs on Reporting Server SSMS. One of my collegues said he previously edited jobs there...

  • Only the owner of the subscription can change the subscription.

    Use the query I supplied to find the owner of the subscription and get them to change it.

    Personally my preference is to create a single user who is in charge of all subscriptions, only the DBA team know the user and password, and we disallow users from creating subscriptions so we never run into this problem.

    Also you forgot to attach the picture.

  • pic

  • How can I change the ownership of the subscription, which I cannot see

  • You need to hack the databases.

    DECLARE @OldUserID uniqueidentifier

    DECLARE @NewUserID uniqueidentifier

    SELECT @OldUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = 'DOMAINA\OldUser'

    SELECT @NewUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = 'DOMAINA\NewUser'

    UPDATE dbo.Subscriptions SET OwnerID = @NewUserID WHERE OwnerID = @OldUserID

  • I managed to change the ownership of the subscriptions, but as soon I click edit I'm receiving the same error. Access denied

  • Try this:

    The new user might not exist in the Users table. If that is the case, then you need to add/modify/delete something in the Reporting Server using that account and then it will appear in that table. All I did in this case was a file in the Report Manager and then delete it.

    Query Shepherd

  • Check the SSRS error log and try to diagnose why it cant see the assembly.

  • Looked at the User Table, and the user does exist in the table.

    Changed it to my login as well which exists in the Users table as well but still no luck. Still getting the error Access Denied

    Changed the Subscription ownership details back to the old one,

    Logged on directly to the server with the login details of the old owner of the subscriptions, Then I could manage to edit the subscriptions.

    It's just strange that once I change the ownership details to my login, then I cannot edit the subscriptions.

    Do you think its possible that reporting services needs to be restarted once you change the ownership of the subscription

  • Probably down to the errors in that assembly, I would sort that out first then try it again.

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