SQL Server and MS Access, and unwanted Users and Schemas oh my....

  • I've noticed something recently, and was wondering a) what caused it, and b) what can i do about it.

    We have a group here at the college that has ownership of a database. When they connect via Management Studio they are golden, but once they connect via MS Access, and authenticated via a group, it seems somehow MS Access is creating not only a User for that person (not group) as well as a samed named Schema.

    The consequence is after they log in that way they then can only create things in this default schema instead of the dbo schema where stuff for this group goes in this db.

    It seems to be directly related to MS Access in some way. Anyone know why this would happen and how i can stop it?

  • apparently there is some application (ms access or some other 3rd party software) that is calling the sp_adduser stored proc.

    I've deny'd execute on this sp to eliminate this issue for that AD group as they have no need of it. Just some minor clean up and moving objects to the dbo schema and all should be cleaned up.

    I still don't know the exact circumstances where it's actually HAPPENING, just know now that i've stopped it.

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