Change hyperlink text

  • Using SSRS 2008 Standard.

    I'm not seeing a way to manipulate the hyperlink text. What I get is an entire URL string that looks tacky. I can't find anything in the text box properties that shows what I'm looking for.

    Is there a way to change the text to something like 'Click Here' by using am expression like you can do in Word or Excel?

  • In the footer of a subscription email? Not that I am aware of.

    In the report itself, you could use an expression on the text box

  • I meant changing the hyperlink in the text box. I am unfamiliar with expressions for HTML so I wanted to know if there was an easier way to do this without using expressions.

    What I have is tracking information that is created dynamically based on our carrier.

    Here's what my query looks like:






    So in SSRS it shows up in the text box as it should, but I'd like to 'trim' down the hyperlink to something more short and simple so that it doesn't take up unnecessary space. Change it to something like 'Click Here' or 'Tracking' instead of showing the entire URL for the hyperlink.

  • Expressions in SSRS are C based expressions not HTML expressions.

    Instead of having the textbox display the URL, set the action on the text box to go to the url instead.

    The expression would be something like =Fields!URL.Value

    Then you just need to replace the actual data in the text box with "Click Here", make it blue, underline it, and it looks like a short Click Here to jump to URL link.


    Attached a bog simple example

  • Wow....that was way easier than I made it out to be. Still waiting for the coffee to kick in!

    Thanks for the help! This will make everything cleaner in the report.

  • Not a problem, glad I could help

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