SMO.Scripter: Help Walking a DependencyCollection

  • Hi there I am working on automating the process of scripting creates for our SQL Views and object dependencies of the views (namely functions in this case). I don't care about table dependencies. I was able to easily script the objects not in dependency order, but I am struggling with walking the dependency tree in my code.

    Here is where I am so far. You can see in the last loop (blank) that I am struggling. Would someone be so kind as to point me in the appropriate direction?

    //Trying to Connect to Source Database and Server

    Server SrcServerCon = new Server(SrcServer);

    SrcServerCon.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = Convert.ToBoolean(isWindowsAuth);



    if (SrcServerCon.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure == false)


    SrcServerCon.ConnectionContext.Login = SQLAuthLogin;

    SrcServerCon.ConnectionContext.Password = SQLAuthPword;



    catch (Exception sqlConnect)


    using (System.IO.StreamWriter exAtvws = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Logger, true))


    exAtvws.WriteLine("SQLConnect - " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "-" + sqlConnect.Message );




    Scripter vwScripter = new Scripter(SrcServerCon);

    //Initiating Scripter Constructor

    vwScripter.Options = new ScriptingOptions();

    vwScripter.Options.ScriptDrops = true;

    vwScripter.Options.IncludeIfNotExists = true;

    vwScripter.Options.SchemaQualify = true;

    vwScripter.Options.WithDependencies = true;

    vwScripter.Options.NoCollation = true;

    //Deleteing the File if it exists in the target location

    if (System.IO.File.Exists(ScriptOutputLoc))






    Database SrcDbCOn = SrcServerCon.Databases[SrcDbName];

    //Adding UDFs and Vws to Urn Collection

    UrnCollection udfobjs = new UrnCollection();

    foreach (UserDefinedFunction udf in SrcDbCOn.UserDefinedFunctions)


    if (!udf.IsSystemObject)





    foreach (View views in SrcDbCOn.Views)


    if (!views.IsSystemObject)





    //Creating Dependency Tree

    DependencyTree dtree = vwScripter.DiscoverDependencies(udfobjs, true);

    DependencyWalker dwalker = new DependencyWalker();

    DependencyCollection dcollect = dwalker.WalkDependencies(dtree);

    using (System.IO.StreamWriter FxscriptsToFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(ScriptOutputLoc, true))


    foreach (DependencyCollectionNode dcoln in dcollect)



  • use the Urn.Type for your requirement

    foreach (DependencyCollectionNode dcoln in dcollect)


    if( dcoln.urn.Type=="View")

    -- do what you want


    Every rule in a world of bits and bytes, can be bend or eventually be broken
    MyBlog About Common dialog control
    A Visualizer for viewing SqlCommand object script [/url]

  • You can look at this. I used a dependency tree.

    Ben Miller
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, SQL MVP
    @DBAduck -

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