Autonumber on a field that doesn' have increlent or identity

  • Hello all,

    Quick question

    I got a table with a varchar(20) field as primary key

    the result has to be




    The data is coming from existing tables and I'm using a merge statement to see wheiter the record is already present or not

    Anyone got an idea how to create the autoincrement



  • Resender (11/5/2012)

    Hello all,

    Quick question

    I got a table with a varchar(20) field as primary key

    the result has to be




    The data is coming from existing tables and I'm using a merge statement to see wheiter the record is already present or not

    Anyone got an idea how to create the autoincrement



    This question comes up around here at least once a week. It is not a good design at all. You have to make your key a varchar to do this and you have effectively limited the table to a max of 9,999 rows. What happens after W9999? does it become W10000? You can't order them correctly now because varchars sort differently than numbers.

    ;with cte as


    select 'W1000' as KeyField union all

    select 'W9999' union all

    select 'W10000'


    select KeyField

    from cte

    order by KeyField

    What are you hoping to gain from this?


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  • //Brilliant I made the post with my text not appearing so here goes the edit

    The scenario is a bit more complicated then I initially described, we have to 'merge' data from several databases to a single one.

    All the databases are SQL Server databases and all of them are the source databases of ERP programs (so bye bye logic on that part), the destination database is the source for a Microsoft Dynamics Nav product. (So in my opinion a very poorly designed database but then the native database Dynamics used to run on was an OO-database type and Microsoft translated it to a relational one)

    And I can't change the fields cause it's a root I don't have a license for to make any changes on(field changes & also any change I do can be undone by a product update in the future) , so I need a way to respect the Nav number series in the table while inserting the new data

    When I mean 'merge' I'm not talking about the merge function but about the literal merging of the data of 2 or more sources, since the client I'm doing it for used a separate ERP program for sales then they did for invoices and inventories; and now they want to use a single one for the entire operation.:-P

  • I agree with Sean on the dangers and issues with this. But if you must you must.

    To get around the sorting issue he notes, there is always this:

    ;with cte as


    select 'W1000' as KeyField union all

    select 'W9999' union all

    select 'W10000'


    select KeyField

    from cte

    order by LEFT(KeyField, 1), CAST(RIGHT(KeyField, LEN(KeyField)-1) AS BIGINT)

    And a somewhat awkward but potentially effective approach to generating new keys would be something like this:

    ;WITH cte as (

    select 'W1000' as KeyField union all

    select 'W9999' union all

    select 'W10000'),

    cte2 AS (


    FROM cte),

    MyNewData (n) AS (


    --INSERT INTO Table (KeyField)

    SELECT 'W' + CAST(

    n + (SELECT MaxN FROM cte2) -- Use ROW_NUMBER() instead of n if needed

    AS VARCHAR(19))

    FROM MyNewData

    If this is a high transaction process inserting many new records constantly into the table, that may not work very well though. For that, you may need to SELECT with an UPDLOCK hint (the current max keyfield) within a transaction and then complete the transaction with your INSERT/MERGE.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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  • I actually agree with both of you but it's out of my hand, I'm limited by what the architecture allows me.

    And I can't change the architecture, if I could I would

    For instance the tables in the database are called in the following structure


    I hope that that at least in the future it will be


    As for the problem it's been resolved, I've been given permission to make a 'staging' table, the logic for the number series will then be done later in Nav itself when moving data to the main table.

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