SQL client performance

  • When i'm not at a computer which has sql server express installed I have used winsql

    My IT dept says that this can have an impact on query performance since it is using an ODBC connection which will get dropped after each query.

    Is this true? And can the client used affect query performance?

  • When you setup the DSN which ODBC driver are you using? ODBC connections can be pooled meaning the connection will not be destroyed after every query. If you're not using a Microsoft driver and the driver is inferior to the Microsoft driver then yes, technically it can affect query performance, especially when the query returns results to the caller.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks

    I'm using the default microsoft sql server driver as in this one (not my screenshot but easier to find one in google images than upload one):

    Used most of the default settings when creating the connection

    Don't remember seeing anything about pooling

    I suspect they are exaggerating because they want to cover any potential issues with me using a product they are not officially endorsing but at the same time i don't want my queries to be running unnecessarily slow

  • You can check your SQL server performance with any specific tool that will also help you to enhance your sever performance ,capacity management ..there are software available for free trial.............hence u can check whether the particular query affecting your server performance or not...

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