Login Access levels

  • How to get a list of users or logins, their role, and enabled or not.

    SELECT MemPrin.name AS MemberName, RolPrin.name AS RoleName

    FROM sys.database_role_members a

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals RolPrin ON RolPrin.principal_id = a.role_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS MemPrin ON MemPrin.principal_id = a.member_principal_id

    group by MemPrin.name, RolPrin.name order by MemPrin.name asc

    this query gives logins and users and their roles. How to add enabled/disabled information? I tried SQL_logins, Server_permissions etc, bt could not get required result

    This query does not list logins which are not assigned any roles (like data reader, writer etc). I need to list those logins too.

  • use the is_disabled flag on sys.server_principles and then join back to this as well for any missing logins which dont have a user in the DB

  • Yes i tried that.

    SELECT MemPrin.name AS MemberName, RolPrin.name AS RoleName

    FROM sys.database_role_members a

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals RolPrin ON RolPrin.principal_id = a.role_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS MemPrin ON MemPrin.principal_id = a.member_principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.server_principals AS SP ON SP.principal_id = MemPrin.principal_id

    --INNER JOIN sys.sql_logins AS SP ON SP.principal_id = a.member_principal_id

    and b.IS_DISABLED=1

    group by MemPrin.name, RolPrin.name order by MemPrin.name asc

    it does not return anything, even when there is an disabled login. It would be helpful if the mistake in the qury is pointed out

  • You wont want the is_disabled flag in the join criteria, you would want it in the select, so that you can see if the login is disabled or not


    ISNULL(DP.Name, SP.Name) AS MemberName,

    DP1.Name AS Role,

    CASE WHEN SP.Is_Disabled = 1 THEN 'Disabled' ELSE 'Enabled' END AS Status


    sys.server_principals SP


    sys.database_principals DP


    SP.principal_id = DP.principal_id


    sys.database_role_members DRM


    DP.principal_id = DRM.member_principal_id


    sys.database_principals DP1


    DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id


    SP.type <> 'R'

  • The query returns dbo and datareader roles only, all other are coming as NULLS

  • But you wanted to list logins which dont have a role assigned to them, which is why they are null.

    This query does not list logins which are not assigned any roles (like data reader, writer etc). I need to list those logins too.

  • Anthony,

    Yes.. now its clear. Thank you.

  • From SQL Server you can query what accounts and groups are members of roles (particilarly SYSADMIN), but it won't tell you what domain accounts are members of a domain group (ex: BUILTIN\Administrators). So, I wrote this script a while back that leverages xp_logininfo to return all SQL Server and domain accounts that would have membership in a sysadmin role.

    Query accounts, domain groups, and members who have admin membership.


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