how to find duplicate default constraints in sql server

  • how to find duplicate default constraints in a table ,example DF_abc1 is a default constraint FOR column Effective date and again DF_efg1 is also a default constraint FOR same column Effective date,Now i have a scenario where i want to find the all duplicate default constraints on all the tables in a database, does anybody have any script for this .


  • Check this query:



    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

  • achtro (9/17/2012)

    how to find duplicate default constraints in a table ,example DF_abc1 is a default constraint FOR column Effective date and again DF_efg1 is also a default constraint FOR same column Effective date,Now i have a scenario where i want to find the all duplicate default constraints on all the tables in a database, does anybody have any script for this .


    Perhaps your question is worded strangely, but you can't have duplicate default constraints for a column in a table. So you wouldn't need to look for duplicates.

    If you're looking for default constraints with the same name across a number of tables then

    sqlnaive's answer is what you want.

  • I have to agree with NOT A DBA in that your question is worded strangely and his answer is basically correct.

    I suspect you may be looking for something else, namely columns that appear like-named in different tables and have the same default values, but applied through a different DEFAULT constraint.

    This query probably will help to get you started, if this is what you seek:


    FROM sys.all_columns a

    INNER JOIN sys.tables b

    ON a.object_id = b.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints c

    ON a.default_object_id = c.object_id

    INNER JOIN information_schema.columns d


    WHERE c.type_desc = 'DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT'

    It lists all columns from all tables that have a DEFAULT CONSTRAINT, along with the DEFAULT CONSTRAINT name and the default value it assigns.

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