how to avoid null or ' ' value in a select query and replace that value as 0 in a select query not in the table?

  • here i am having table

    declare @test1 table(

    id int,

    val varchar(20),

    ser int,

    sa int


    insert into @test1

    select 1,'rer',1,Null union all

    select 2,'rer1',Null,Null union all

    select 3,'',Null,Null

    select * from @test1

    --select ID,val,ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

    select ID,ISNULL(val,0) AS val,ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

    to avoid null i just used

    select ID,ISNULL(val,0) AS val,ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

    but when coulmn is empty means the value was not changing to zero

    the out put of the select query





    this there any way to show th empty column value as 0

  • select ID,

    case val

    when null then '0'

    when '' then '0'

    else val

    end as val,

    ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

    Use CASE to specifiy various conditions.

    Note that it has to use '0' (with quotes) instead of 0, because the column 'val' is varchar (try removing the quotes and see what it does). There are other ways to accomodate this, but that was the easiest.

  • Something like this: ISNULL(NULLIF(RTRIM(val),''),0)

  • First way I think of is using a combination of NULLIF and ISNULL



    ISNULL(NULLIF(val,''),0) AS val,

    ISNULL(NULLIF(ser,''),0) AS ser,

    ISNULL(NULLIF(sa,''),0) AS sa

    FROM @test1

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  • thanks



    it was working fine

  • how about this?

    declare @test1 table(

    id int,

    val varchar(20),

    ser int,

    sa int


    insert into @test1

    select 1,'rer',1,Null union all

    select 2,'rer1',Null,Null union all

    select 3,'',Null,Null

    select * from @test1

    --select ID,val,ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

    select ID,case when val ='' then '0' else ISNULL(val,0) end as val,ISNULL(ser,0) AS ser,ISNULL(sa,0) AS sa from @test1

  • sivag (8/1/2012)




    it was working fine

    You're welcome. Thank you for including data and code to work with - we don't see enough of that.

  • No problem mate 🙂

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