Last Backup Taken, or Not

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Last Backup Taken, or Not

  • Nice one. Thanks for sharing


  • Very nice "utility". Thanks!

  • We take image backups of the server partition for system restore purposes along with our SQL Server backups. Is there any way to have this script only consider SQL Server backups and not include the server Image backups?

  • I found a way to do this by adding

    AND T2.NAME is not null

    to the where clause of the top select. Still not sure if this is the best way to do this but it seems to be working.

  • Excellent Script, thanks for sharing.

  • Hi,

    shortening it up a bit...

    SELECT T1.Name AS DatabaseName,

    DATABASEPROPERTYEX(T1.Name, 'recovery') AS database_recovery_model,

    Isnull(Max(T2.recovery_model),'No Backup Taken') AS backup_recovery_model,

    CASE type

    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'

    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'

    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log'

    ELSE COALESCE(type,'No Backup')

    END AS BackupType,

    Isnull(CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), CONVERT(DATETIME, Max(T2.backup_finish_date), 113)), 'Never') AS LastBackUpTaken

    FROM sys.sysdatabases T1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset T2

    ON T2.database_name =

    GROUP BY T1.Name, type

    ORDER BY T1.Name, type

    Best regards

  • @karl Klingler - Nice. Thanks for sharing.


  • That is a great script Karl Klingler, very compact compared to the original script, but I notice both the original script and your script does not report on the important situation for a database in full recovery mode, where there is a last database backup but never a transaction log backup.

    Can you see if you can get your script to report on this situation?

    Also you can exclude the tempdb database.


    DBA Pete

  • That was actually the intent of the original script. You should try that one again.



  • Hi Jon,

    This is what I mean:

    Create a new database called TEST in full recovery mode. It has never been backed up and shows as:

    DatabaseName recovery_model BackupType LastBackUpTaken

    TEST No Backup Taken No Backup

    Backup the database and this now shows as:

    DatabaseName recovery_model BackupType LastBackUpTaken

    TEST FULL Full Dec 11 2012 10:53AM

    But what I would find useful is to show that while the database had a full backup, it has never had a transaction log backup.

    This is important as I have seen many cases of a database set up by vendors where the database is in full recovery mode.

    It has regular full backups but never a transaction log backup.

    This often results in the transaction log being larger than the main data file.

    I think it would be useful to show something like the second row below:

    DatabaseName recovery_model BackupType LastBackUpTaken

    TEST FULL Full Dec 11 2012 10:53AM

    TEST FULL Log Never


    DBA Pete.

  • I hear what you're saying, but I use this script on a regular basis to identify the issue. I do this by reviewing the output and if I see database name, full recovery, only a full backup and not another line indicating a transaction log backup, I know there's an issue. If you'd like to make an update to the script that inserts a line stating no t-log backup when the above is true, please feel free to contribute.



  • Hi,

    this is not so short anymore, but should do the trick...

    ;WITH a AS (SELECT 'Full' AS type UNION ALL SELECT 'Log' UNION ALL SELECT 'Differential'), b AS

    ( SELECT Name, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(Name, 'recovery') AS rm

    FROM sys.sysdatabases

    ), c AS

    ( SELECT * FROM a , b WHERE rm = 'FULL' OR (rm = 'SIMPLE' AND type IN ( 'FULL', 'Differential') )

    ), d AS

    ( SELECT database_name,

    Isnull(Max(recovery_model),'No Backup Taken') AS backup_recovery_model,

    CASE type

    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'

    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'

    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log'

    ELSE COALESCE(type,'No Backup')

    END AS BackupType,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), CONVERT(DATETIME, Max(backup_finish_date), 113)) AS LastBackUpTaken

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    GROUP BY database_name, type


    SELECT c.Name AS DatabaseName,

    c.rm AS database_recovery_model,

    c.type AS BackupType,

    Isnull(d.LastBackUpTaken, 'Never') AS LastBackUpTaken


    ON d.database_name = AND c.type = d.BackupType

    WHERE NOT ( c.type = 'Differential' AND d.LastBackUpTaken IS NULL) AND <> 'tempdb'

    GROUP BY c.Name, d.BackupType, d.LastBackUpTaken, c.rm, c.type

    ORDER BY 1, 3

    All corrections are welcome... 🙂

    Best regards

  • Hi Karl,

    That works.

    I also could not find a better way than to use an additional union to get this information.

    If anyone does come up with a better way then let us know.


    DBA Pete

  • Hi,

    i had neglected bulk_logged databases... Here a better script

    ;WITH a AS


    ), c AS

    ( SELECT b.Name, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(b.Name, 'recovery') as rm, a.type

    FROM a, sys.sysdatabases b

    WHERE DATABASEPROPERTYEX(b.Name, 'recovery') IN ( 'FULL', 'BULK_LOGGED') OR a.type IN ( 'D', 'I')

    ), d AS

    ( SELECT database_name,

    Isnull(Max(recovery_model),'No Backup Taken') AS backup_recovery_model,


    CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), CONVERT(DATETIME, Max(backup_finish_date), 113)) AS LastBackUpTaken

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    GROUP BY database_name, type


    SELECT c.Name AS DatabaseName,

    c.rm AS database_recovery_model,

    CASE c.type

    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'

    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'

    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log'

    ELSE COALESCE(d.type,'No Backup')

    END AS BackupType,

    Isnull(d.LastBackUpTaken, 'Never') AS LastBackUpTaken


    ON d.database_name = AND c.type = d.type

    WHERE NOT ( c.type = 'I' AND d.LastBackUpTaken IS NULL) AND <> 'tempdb'

    GROUP BY c.Name, c.type, d.LastBackUpTaken, c.rm, d.type

    ORDER BY c.Name, c.type

    Best regards

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