• SQL Kiwi (3/30/2010)

    Bit hash calling the lack of an automatic transformation from LEFT to LIKE a bug!

    Are you sure it is a provably safe transformation in absolutely all cases?

    I thought I'd replied long ago, but noticing a new post here I saw I hadn't. better late than never, I suppose.

    The optimiser would have to look at each case and decide whether the transformation was allowable; and if it was allowable, is it worth doing in the particular case (the latter is the same as for any other choice the optimiser makes, of course).

    The transformation is from LEFT(Col,L)=S to Col LIKE tr(left(S,L))+'%', where the expression tr(left(S,L))+'%' is calculated once only (by the optimiser); tr is the string escaping needed to deal with wildcards occurring within left(S,L) - they must not be treated as wildcards because they represent themselves; the transformation is permissable provided that (i) left(S,L) does not have a space as its final character and (ii) S and L are constants known to the optimiser, and will be the same each time the generated plan is used. If any of these conditions fails, the optimiser must not male the transformation.

    Of course there are many other "bugs" that probably have higher priority than this ("bug" of course means "possibility for improvement in teh optimiser", not anything else).
