• This one is fairly short and I did a lot of testing to verify it works OK:

    ISO Week of Year Function


    This has the week and day of week included:

    ISO Year Week Day of Week Function

    http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=60515Returns the ISO 8601 Year Week Day of Week in format YYYY-W01-D for the date passed.

    There are a number of columns with ISO week support in this date table function:

    Date Table Function F_TABLE_DATE:


    ISO_YEAR_WEEK_NO - ISO 8601 year and week in format YYYYWW

    Example = 200403

    ISO_WEEK_NO - ISO 8601 week of year in format WW

    Example = 52

    ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK - ISO 8601 Day of week number, Mon=1, Tue=2, Wed=3, Thu=4, Fri=5, Sat=6, Sun=7

    ISO_YEAR_WEEK_NAME - ISO 8601 year and week in format YYYY-WNN

    Example = 2004-W52

    ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAME - ISO 8601 year, week, and day of week in format YYYY-WNN-D

    Example = 2004-W52-2

    Edit: Didn't see that this is an old thread and that I had already posted on it. :doze: