• I did create the SP it was created sucesfully

    And when i execute the SP with the follwoing commands

    -- Index Rebuild/Reorganize

    EXEC master.dbo.usp_ReorgRebuildIndexes

    @databasename ='MyDBName', -- Leave the contents with in quotes blank to run --against all DBs

    @FragCheck = 10.0,

    @DensityCheck = 75.0,

    @RebuildThreshold = 30.0,

    @online = 1,

    @runrebuild = 1,

    @DBMirrorPerf = 1,

    @ChangeDBRecovery = 1,

    @SendEmail = 1,

    @SendSummaryOnly = 0,

    @MaxDaysofLog = 14,

    @MaxErrors = 10

    It took about 20 secs n gave a result of "Mail queued."

    What does this mean? How can i monitor what percentage of indexes are rebuilt ?


    Are they being rebuilt/Reorg at all ?

    Is there a way i can monitor the process?

    I dont see anything active in my activity monitor .. except a SELECT INTO from DBCC inpbuffer.

    Please suggest ..

    When i checked with the log that is created in master DB it said

    DatabaseName JobRunStartDateTime JobRunEndDateTime JobIndexCount JobStatus JobLog

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    MyDBNAME 2011-01-27 17:44:01.337 2011-01-27 17:44:01.980 1 Ok


    -- START OF INDEX DEFRAG FOR DATABASE Solicitations AT 2011-01-27 17:44:01

    -- No of processes with connections active for the last 15 minutes in DB Solicitations

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday:-)