• GilaMonster (8/31/2008)

    Very nice.

    Just one small thing. You say that for data storage, temp tables are in TempDB and table variables are in memory and tempDB. I may be misunderstanding what you mean there, but temp tables are also memory resident unless it becomes necessary to write them to disk (memory pressure, too large a table)

    Also, the Appendix states that table variables are held in memory and temporary tables are held in tempdb. Whilst usually correct*, it is also the case that both are physically created in tempdb, as can be demonstrated by running the following code on a SQL Server which has no other activity occurring (runs on SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008):

    -- make a list of all of the user tables currently active in the

    -- TempDB database

    if object_id('tempdb..#tempTables') isnot null droptable #tempTables

    select name into #tempTables from tempdb..sysobjectswhere type ='U'

    -- prove that even this new temporary table is in the list.

    -- Note the suffix at the end of it to uniquely identify the table across sessions.

    select * from #tempTables where name like '#tempTables%'


    -- create a table variable

    declare@MyTableVariable table (RowID int)

    -- show all of the new user tables in the TempDB database.

    select name from tempdb..sysobjects

    where type ='U' and name notin (select name from #tempTables)


    * According to KB305977, a table variable can hold more data than could fit into memory.
