Error 7391; Unable to Begin a Distributed Transaction

  • Hey All,

    I am trying to get a list of error messages on a server using the sp_readlogerror stored procedure. I have a central server A and I am trying to get the information from Server B.

    exec [server B].model.sys.sp_readerrorlog 🙂

    the above statement works well and gets the data, But it throws up a transaction error when i try to insert into a temp table on server A. Here is the code running on server A:

    create table #ErrorLog(LogDate datetime, ProcessorInfo varchar(1000),Text varchar(5000))

    insert into #errorLog

    exec [Server B].model.sys.sp_readerrorlog

    this Throws up a transaction error as below

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BHSF-BTR-W318" returned message "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.".

    Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 3

    The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BHSF-BTR-W318" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    Any Suggestions???

    Thanks for the Help

    Chitanya Chitturi :-)
  • Guys,

    I think i found the solution.... will post it in a few minutes....

    Chitanya Chitturi :-)
  • Here is the link for the solution:( i could not upload the image here; Hence giving the link of my Blog...)

    Chitanya Chitturi :-)
  • Hii to all,

    Iam also facing the similar problem,when iam executing the trigger with openquery iam finding the following error,i have tried with ur above steps,still iam facing the below error

    Error:-"OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "SQLMYSQL" returned message "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Optional feature not supported".

    Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure MYSQLLogRecords, Line 11

    The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "SQLMYSQL" was unable to begin a distributed transaction"

    I have already configured DTC it is running fine,please help me how to overcome the above error



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