Issues in Lookup Transformation

  • I want to get column values depending on column data type and can use that values to insert in destination table.

    For e.g. I have a lookup SQL where multiple records come for phone type (home, business, mobile) and in my destination table I have three columns like Home_phone, Business_phone and Mobile_phone. Now in my main SQL I have a colummn customer_key and also in lookup SQL. How can I get values for these Home_phone, Business_phone and Mobile_phone columns from lookup SQL using Customer_key?

    Please let me know if you guys need more information for the same.



  • A join on these two tables would be more elegant based on Customer_key:-):-):-)

    Raunak J

  • Thanks for your reply! But that will not solve my problem because in my main SQL I have only one record whereas in lookup SQL I have 3 records for phone types. An I don't want to insert duplicate records with different phone types in destination table thats why I have my destination table with 3 separate column for each phone type.

    Did you get this?



  • Please provide some sample data to help us help you and what all till date have you tried?

    Raunak J

  • OLE DB Source SQL:

    Select customer_key From customer (nolock)




    Lookup SQL:

    Select customer_key, phone_type, phone_number

    From phone (nolock) as ph Join customer (nolock) as c

    On ph.customer_key = c.customer_key

    customer_key phone_type phone_number


    10001 Home 1234

    10001 Business 5678

    10001 Mobile 918239

    Destination Table DDL:



    customer_key home_phone business_phone mobile_phone


    10001 1234 5678 918239

    This what I am expecting. Now if I join these 2 SQL then result will be three rows and I don't want to store in that way in my destination table.

    I hope this will clarify what I needed.



  • bhushan.bagul (10/11/2010)

    OLE DB Source SQL:

    Select customer_key From customer (nolock)




    Lookup SQL:

    Select customer_key, phone_type, phone_number

    From phone (nolock) as ph Join customer (nolock) as c

    On ph.customer_key = c.customer_key

    customer_key phone_type phone_number


    10001 Home 1234

    10001 Business 5678

    10001 Mobile 918239

    Destination Table DDL:



    customer_key home_phone business_phone mobile_phone


    10001 1234 5678 918239

    This what I am expecting. Now if I join these 2 SQL then result will be three rows and I don't want to store in that way in my destination table.

    I hope this will clarify what I needed.




    My approach:

    Step 1: Use a pivot transformation for your Table 2 and transform it into as below:

    {Key,Phone 1,Phone 2,Phone 3 }

    Step 2: Use Join

    Raunak J

  • Seems this Pivot will work for me. Thanks for you reply!

  • Or if you want a pure SSIS solution you could opt for 3 sperate lookups

    one for each for home, business, mobile

    and then add each of these as a seperate column.

  • Happy to help. :-):-):-)

    Raunak J

  • The pure T-SQL solution:


    customer_key= c.customer_key

    ,home_phone= h.phone_number

    ,business_phone= b.phone_number

    ,mobile_phone= m.phone_number

    FROMcustomer c



    ONc.customer_key= h.customer_key

    ANDh.phone_type= 'Home'



    ONc.customer_key= b.customer_key

    ANDb.phone_type= 'Business'



    ONc.customer_key= m.customer_key

    ANDm.phone_type= 'Mobile'

    Beware, as this solution introduces NULL values for customers that don't have a phone number for a certain phone type.

    I used LEFT OUTER JOINS, because it is possible for a customer to have a mobile phone and a home phone, but not a business phone, for example.

    If a customer has multiple phone numbers for a specific phone type, you will still get multiple rows (e.g. a family having multiple mobile phone numbers). How are you planning to incorporate that in your solution?

    A small side question: why do you use the nolock hint everywhere in you SQL statements? Is there a specific reason for?

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  • Nice...still wondering which is better join or pivot?:-D

    Raunak J

  • Raunak Jhawar (10/11/2010)

    Nice...still wondering which is better join or pivot?:-D

    The join, as the pivot transformation is semi-blocking 🙂

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Nice...still wondering which is better join or 3 lookup task in SSIS.:-)

    Raunak J

  • Try out a Execute SQL Task with the following code

    create table #temp (cust_id int,phone_type varchar(10),phone_number int)

    insert into #temp values(10001,'Home',1234),(10001,'Business',5678),(10001,'Mobile',918239)


    max((case when phone_type='Home' then phone_number else 0 end)) as home_phone,

    max((case when phone_type='Business' then phone_number else 0 end)) as Business_phone,

    max((case when phone_type='Mobile' then phone_number else 0 end)) as Mobile_phone

    from #temp

    group by cust_id

    --drop table #temp

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