Agent Job Long Running

  • Sorry a bit new to how blocking works so forgive me if I sound stupid.

    We have an agent job that runs at the weekend, over the last few weekends the job just continues to run and does not complete.

    I checked what was blocking it, I could find a session from an application in awaiting command status.

    I checked the query it had sent and it is a select statement and is using a function with links to a table that the agent job needs to update part of its process, however this was not actively running at the time so I cannot see why it would cause a lock.

    The wait type was


    Any ideas?

  • That's a schema modification lock. Did you have any online index maintenance jobs running at the same time or anything like that?

  • You probably have a long running query.
    Execute this to see what's running and how long it's been running for:
    SELECT sqltext.TEXT,
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext

  • Thank you for the responses.

    We do have an index job but this runs at night and had completed by the looks of it.

    In the end I killed the session I stated above and the agent job completed but I still don't understand why it was blocking when the select appeared to me as completed and in sleeping/awaiting command status.

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